Mastering Concurrency in Go Synchronizing Critical Sections With Mutex (Part 3)

Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 In Go, critical sections refer to parts of your code that manipulate a resource which must be accessed by only one goroutine at a time. By using a mutex, you can temporarily lock a critical section, perform the operation, and then unlock it, allowing other goroutines to access the resource. Attempting to lock a critical section in a goroutine will block execution until the lock can be acquired....

Preparing for a Live Coding Interview: Strategies for Success

While similar in some ways to software development, live coding interviews demand a unique approach. In everyday software development, you build knowledge and experience over time, getting more proficient each day. In a live coding interview, you’ll be expected to showcase your grasp of essential software development concepts, as well as data structures and algorithms, all within a time frame of roughly 45 minutes. Most data structures and algorithms are actually the first thing implemented in any language, so it’s extremely rare for a software developer to re implement a data structure in the day to day job....

Mastering Concurrency in Go: Fan in With Channels (Part 2)

Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 Return values from go routines cannot be captured in the usual way with the = operator because starting a go routine is non blocking. A channel can be used to collect the results from many concurrent go routines. Write a value to a channel inside the go routine that is doing the work, then in main() read from the channel until it is closed to collect all the results from the go routines....