Golang has built in support for creating CLI applications that accept command line flags and arguments. The “flag” package has convenient methods for reading in options as typed variables, it also supports creating default help text. CLI applications are useful for creating developer tooling, especially when you can import critical parts of the codebase into a simple cli.

Playground: https://go.dev/play/p/UHuXCNgQB8j

package main

import "flag"

var (
	// define the command line arguments
	customerID    *int    = flag.Int("customer-id", 0, "Customer ID")
	customerName  *string = flag.String("customer-name", "", "Customer Name")
	cutsomerEmail *string = flag.String("customer-email", "", "Customer Email")

// build the binary
// go build -o customer-cli cli/flags/flags.go
// add a customer:    ./customer-cli -customer-name=kyle -customer-email=contact@kfelter.com add
// update a customer: ./customer-cli -customer-id=3 -customer-name=kyle -customer-email=contact@kfelter.com update
// delete a customer: ./customer-cli -customer-id=3 delete
// print the usage:   ./customer-cli

func main() {
	// parse the command line arguments

	// check the command
	switch flag.Arg(0) {
	case "add":
		// add a customer
		println("Add customer", *customerName, *cutsomerEmail)
	case "update":
		// update a customer
		println("Update customer", *customerID, *customerName, *cutsomerEmail)
	case "delete":
		// delete a customer
		println("Delete customer", *customerID)
		// invalid command, print the usage
		println("Usage: [options] customer add|update|delete")